
-Free Mastermind Group-

Entrepreneurs are a unique breed & often misunderstood
We need support to grow & evolve.  

This group was created as a place to inspire & connect with like-minded entrepreneurs in Long Island that empower each other to be their most authentic selves, build a career they love & a life they actually enjoy! 

I am Jessica Dennehy - a serial entrepreneur, speaker & author that is passionate about seeing small business owners soar. The best way to do this is through community. 

We will be organizing monthly meet ups in the area where we can learn & network, while also supporting local restaurant owners. We'll be introducing high-level guest speakers so we can all continue to evolve into a more amazing versions of ourselves. 

The group is meant only for those looking to truly connect, grow &  add value.
Spammers & serial self-promotors are not welcome. 
Remember: Givers Gain.

Entrepreneurship doesn't have to be a lonely place. 

Join the Fam & get the details on our next meetup by filling out the form below. 

What do you need the most support with right now?